
ガイド講習会のメインテーマ  Our seminar for tour-guides


We have considered it important to give seminars to interpreter guides. As our clan developed under the Tokugawa shogunate, we have a shinobi-samurai code, a way of thinking which most probably, the ninjas of the Sengoku period never even imagined. We think it essential to cooperate with interpreter-guides so that we can introduce our culture to the world in deeper senses.



Our fundamental philosophy " Kyomei (empathetic resonance), and Mizukagami (water mirror) & Ku(no-self)


If our minds can be one with other’s , that’s when our hearts "resonate" together, resulting in having the same length of waves and creating exactly the same ripple patterns on the surface of the still water (in our hearts, or minds). If our minds can reach the state of perfect serenity or the water mirror state, we should be able to reflect everything, as the mirror does not choose what to reflect. No conflict can take place under such a peaceful circumstance.
This state is termed “Ku (no-self)” and we regard it as the universal root source. The "Water Mirror" image represents both universal harmony and no-self. To get to this spiritual "Mirror " phase is the purpose of our training.

武蔵流を活かした和の体現 The Embodiment of harmony, a la Musashi-ryu

武蔵流忍術(武術)は、その鍛錬を通して「空」「共鳴水鏡」の域に到達することであり、この「空」「共鳴水鏡」の域に近づくことができなければ、武蔵流忍術の奥義・極意に達することはできないということを前提と して修行を行ないます。  修業において、武蔵流忍術は五輪(地、水、火、風、空)の法の下に分類されています。 これは、五重の塔の意味を「五輪」で説明しておられるガイドの皆さんたちには、親しみやい概念です。

Being a practitioner of the art of Musashi-ryu Ninjutsu means the purpose of our training is to get to ​​"Ku" through "Empathetic Resonance. Without understanding them, we won’t be able to grasp the esoterica of Musashi-ryu Ninjutsu. Musashi Ninjutsu is classified into five types according to the five elements of the universe (earth, water, fire, wind, sky). Each element represents a principle. The tour-guides find this idea of five elements (namely, gorin) familiar. As many of them usually explain the meaning of the five-storied pagoda using gorin principles.


In Musashi-ryu, we want to be the shinobi to get to know others through communication (information gathering) to co-exist in peace. Only when do we respect others, can we work for true harmony.
By gaining a further understanding of “Ku”, can we deepen our values so as to pursue “Chowa (universal harmony).”

武蔵流忍術は状況把握し、対応する事です。されに、相手を受け入れ、認め、対処した結果が和 であり、それが「共鳴水鏡」という名称の根本理念になっています。日本に短期間しか滞在できないお客様に、哲学的な話や、深い精神性の話を分ってもらえるためには、柔軟な思考と語学運用能力 を持つ人財が必須になります。 ただ楽しい一時を過ごすだけではなく、心から分かりあって尊敬を共有していくにはガイドの皆さんたちとの協力が要になるのです。

Musashi Ninjutsu consists of wisdom, skills and techniques to understand any given situation and to cope with it accordingly. That’s the way of "water mirror", our fundamental spirit. It is essential for traveler(s) who stay(s) in Japan only for a short period of time to have a guide or interpreter with a good command of language(s) when they want to understand people’s ways of thinking, philosophies or inner thoughts. We hope to realize a level of communication which enables us to gain mutual respect and understanding between visitors and us And to that end, it is very important for interpreter-guides and us to have strong ties.

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