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I. どのような技能を磨くのか。

集中力を瞬時に上げる  Lagging Exercise    

目標  持久力  逐次7分、同時15分

1-1. 通訳の評価対象となるもの
@ 正確・忠実  A わかりやすい。 B 待たせない。 C 自然な日本語 D 声とレジスター

12. 通訳技法
@ 表層構造からの脱却   伝達意図。      分かりやすくする
A 関連性を検討し、短くする (情報圧縮、選別、削除、再編成、接続詞)
B 逃げ 上位概念、一般化   分かりやすく、速訳、短くする

II 英語リスニング強化速読 
First of all, thank you very much for joining today’s Global Business Seminar. I would especially like to express my gratitude to Ambassador Flor and Mr. Chua Taik Him for their time to be here, and to relevant Ministries and institutions for their critical support to hold this seminar.
      Today the world is facing a growing trend of protectionism and deepening confrontation among countries. This is due to concerns and dissatisfaction caused by rapid changes in the world economic landscape, including emerging country development and the digitalization of the economy. As a result, global economic instability and uncertainty are increasing. At this juncture, the Government of Japan hoists high the flag of free trade. Our mission is to expand the world’s free and fair economic sphere through various concrete actions.  
     Firstly, the TPP 11entered into force last December creating a free and fair economic zone in the rapidly growing Asia-Pacific region. This comprises a total population of approximately 500 million people, total GDP of around 10 trillion US dollars, and an overall trade amount of about 5 trillion US dollars.
     Secondly, the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement entered into force on February 1st . This has opened an advanced free economic zone, the largest in the world, covering approximately 30% of global GDP and about 40% of global trade. Thirdly, Japan and the United States will begin negotiations for a Japan-U.S. Trade Agreement on goods this year. We will further expand trade and investment between Japan and the United States in a mutually beneficial manner, and realize economic development in the Indo-Pacific region that is free, open, and based on 2 fair rules.
     Lastly, the RCEP, if concluded, will accomplish an economic zone that comprises almost half of the world’s population and about 30% of world GDP as well as global trade. We will continue to make our utmost efforts to conclude “a modern, comprehensive, high quality, and mutually beneficial RCEP” within this year. This is in accordance with our strong commitment expressed in the Joint Leaders’ Statement in November 2018.

III. スプリット・アテンションを強化する
Shadowing 練習の目的  取り入れて、アウトプットできるようにする。

Contents Shadowing
   Dual Task

IV. メモリートレーニング   まとめる力を磨く
1. メインアイディア掴む。 (J-E)「斎藤メソッド」

42 Note-taking   フローチャートを作る
@ マーク    2 程度、自制     B大文字の使い方

A: I’ve seen the site, and I think it’s good place for your Australian headquarters. Also the area is growing rapidly so the sites like that will be even more valuable in the future.
A: Well, let’s start from your requirements. How many people will you have working in the office?
A: In that case, I think your plans sound good. Now, what do you have in mind in terms of budget for the construction?
A: I think that would be feasible.
 It will of course depend on the design. But would you like me to draw up some preliminary plans?
: そうですね。一応いくつか違ったタイプのものを用意してもらえますか。まだ近代的なものか伝統的なものがいいか迷っているんです。
A: That will be fine. I’ll do some sketches, so you can have a choice.

44. 英日 原稿付き要約通訳 
次に、スピーチを読みキイワードを丸で囲む、それを元に口頭発表する。 130秒以内に終わる事を目指す。)(原稿参考OK)各情報の価値判断と言葉の経済性を検討する。

V 英語で話すトレーニング Active Shadowing Flash Speaking     

VI 日英通訳 研究 Editorial: Global stock market decline highlights problem of depending on credit easing                August 25, 2015 (Mainichi Japan)  

     A chain of falling stock prices across the world has rocked international financial markets. At the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), where the Nikkei Average fell over 1,000 yen last week, share prices kept declining as the market reopened following the weekend, plummeting over 900 yen at one point on Aug. 24. Behind the downward trend is the fact that the United States is ending its unprecedented ultra-easy-money policy that had been the driving force behind rises in share prices on a global scale.

    At the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the SSE Composite Index plunged more than 8 percent on Aug. 24, offsetting a rise that had continued since the beginning of this year. The Nikkei Average hit a six-month low. Crude oil prices are also steeply dropping.
     It is difficult to ascertain how serious the state of the Chinese economy is. Therefore, speculative funds that move swiftly flowed out of Chinese financial markets, triggering sharp plunges in share prices and the Chinese yuan. Share prices had been inflated because of excess liquidity and speculation involving individual investors. No wonder such a situation has been rectified. In a way, however, measures taken jointly by the government and the private sector to raise share prices and the hard-to-reckon monetary policy are amplifying investors' concerns. Anxiety among investors in China and other emerging economies is closely linked to moves in the United States to end its zero-interest policy.

    If extreme monetary policy measures, such as zero-interest and quantitative easing, are prolonged, it can trigger a bubble in share and real estate prices. Excessive money is invested in high-yield financial instruments or land with disregard for their risks, overheating various financial markets across the world.

社説:株安連鎖 緩和依存の矛盾が出た  毎日新聞 20150825日 





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